Parhit Samaj Seva Sanstha

Stories from the Field

Murari Adivasi Becomes Self-dependent Farmer

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Murari Adivasi is a small farmer of Kalothara village, about 45 km from Shivpuri. He has 4-acre agriculture land and he could only cultivate kharif crop and that too if the rainfall was good. He used to work as a labourer to raise his six-member family, including two children. Very hard working Murari wished to cultivate more crop, but unavailability of water came in the way to realise his wish. Last year he sowed rabi crop and for irrigation...

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Raju Adivasi Got Benefit of Kapildhara Well

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Raju Adivasi resides in Neemdana village, 13 km from Shivpuri. Like all 76 Scheduled Tribe households dependent on manual labour work for livelihood Raju was also working as a labourer and sometimes driving. Like most of the tribals, he is not educated and earned little which was barely able to meet needs of wife and two daughters. His situation took a turn towards worse when his 75 goats were stolen while they were grazing. Though he had...

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Vegetable Cultivation Changes Fortune of Five Farmers

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This is the story of five farmers who are doing vegetable cultivation in Imaliya and Guraval villages. They share their experience about vegetable cultivation success. Vegetable cultivation has been well advocated in solving the problem of food security and livelihood for earning. They are rich source of minerals, vitamins, fibre and contain a fair amount of protein as well as carbohydrates. In addition to local market demand vegetables have...

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Villagers Take a Vow for Water Conservation

The Rev village located about 28 km from Datia is located on Hatlai link road adjacent to Dinara road. The village has 175 families, whose main occupation is agriculture and animal husbandry.

Like most of the villages in the area, Rev village had acute drinking water as water table was low and aquifers had high nitrate concentration. This village was taken up under the Water Aid supported project. To ensure drinking water availability and...

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Can Welfare Schemes Make Life of Someone Easy

A remote village about 15 km from Pichhor development block in Shivpuri district is dominated by Lodhi and other caste people. The village also houses nearly 15 families belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. A tribal woman Parvati is struggling with her life in this village.

Parvati had in her family her husband Bhagwandas, a son and two daughters. About three years from the time of writing this case study her husband developed an...

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